Claim: The CPUC gave Cal Am the green light on their desal project
Facts: On September 13th the CPUC issued a permit for Cal Am’s desal project. This further proves the CPUC’s tight relationship with Cal Am and total disregard for ratepayers. The CPUC’s statement on the “protection for ratepayers against unreasonable costs” was laughable. IF Cal Am can ever build this desal plant it would double our water costs according to the Monterey Herald. The CPUC did not take the cost to ratepayers into consideration.
Remember this is only one permit for Cal Am and they face many more hurdles with their proposed desal project. They must still get permits from the City of Marina (good luck on that), the Coastal Commission and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Plus Cal Am is already facing litigation because they have no water rights to the source water for their deal plant.
The CPUC decision only emphasizes the fact that Measure J is the only way we can begin to get control of our water costs and free ourselves from both Cal Am and the CPUC.