George Riley, Director of Public Water Now
Please join us for a presentation on the benefits of public ownership of our water. There will also be a presentation at 1pm by Monterey Bay Community Power as part of Chamisal’s Open House Energy Carnival running from 12:00 to 3:00pm. Kids are welcome. Activities are planned for them.
87% of all water users in the United States get their water from non-profit public agencies. Cal Am is a private corporation focused on earning profit from our water. Under Cal Am's corporate ownership, the Peninsula now has the most expensive water in the entire country.
Public ownership is the solution to solving our water problems. Come and find out why.
The Public Water Now initiative will appear on the November 2018 ballot. If passed it will require the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District to conduct a study to determine if a public buyout of Cal Am is feasible and in the public interest. If it is, they will proceed to purchase Cal Am.
PWN Forums are Free and Open to the Public.
RSVP here to save us time, thanks.
- July 28, 2018 at 2:00pm – 3pm
Chamisal Tennis & Fitness Club
185 Robley Rd
(off Laureles Grade)
Salinas, CA 93908
United States
Google map and directions - 3 people are going