Melodie Chrislock 819sc

Melodie Chrislock

Melodie Chrislock's activity stream

  • donated 2018-08-23 17:33:12 -0700

    PWN Fundraiser - Donation $10 / Ticket

    PWN Fundraiser
    Silent Auction & Raffle
    September 7th, 7:00 - 9:00 pm
    Hilton Garden Inn, Big Sure Room
    1000 Aguajito Road, Monterey

    join us in the beautiful Big Sur Room for this Public Water Now fundraising event. Proceeds will help to pass the Public Water Now initiative (Measure J) in November.

    Our silent auction will feature fine art from the Holman collection, vintage and collector’s quality wines, Cambria beach vacations, 49er football tickets, and much more!

    We’ll have live music performed by violinist Frakahd Khudyev.
    Cash bar. Ticket includes one complimentary drink.

    7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Silent auction bidding
    8:00 pm Raffle featuring 2-day beach getaway
    8:30 pm Silent Auction winners announced
    9:00 pm Take home your treasures

    Tickets are $10 in advance or $20 at the door
    Advance tickets may be purchased here by donating $10 per ticket.
    We’ll hold them for you at the door.

    You can also pick up tickets at the PWN Office
    1340 Munras in Monterey
    Wednesdays & Sundays from noon to 3pm


  • wants to volunteer 2018-02-26 18:57:47 -0800

    How Can You Help?

    Public Water Now is a volunteer organization. We need your help. Leading up to the November 17, 2022 Coastal Commission hearing on Cal Am’s desal permit, we will be focused on stopping Cal Am’s oversized investor-owned desal plant. This will take a community effort. We need to educate every Peninsula ratepayer on what this will do to their water bill and encourage them to oppose this project at the Coastal Commission. Here are the ways you can volunteer.

    Become a volunteer